Monday, February 22, 2016

The Abduction of Julia (Rogues #1) by Karen Hawkins

This book had me at the first paragraph. Its a good read makes you laugh out loud at some of the thing the hero says.

Alec MacLean, Viscount of Hunterston, must marry or he will lose the inheritance left to him by his grandfather. But the will specify that he must marry the daughter of the Earl of Coverington. There's a problem he has the wrong girl.

" Perhaps there would be some benefits from this arrangement, after all. “You smell like heaven. Kiss me, sweet Therese.” She kicked him. Hard. “Owww!” Alec yelled, instantly releasing her. He bent to rub his shin. And froze. One of the many things his vain bride-to-be prided herself on was her dainty feet. The shoes that met his eyes were not dainty. Large and tightly laced, the heavy black boots reminded him of his old governess. The implication hit him like a cannon shot. This wasn’t Therese. He had eloped with the wrong woman. He straightened abruptly, the pain in his shin forgotten. “Who in the hell are you?” “I might ask you the same question,” his prim attacker stated."

Julia Frant also known as "The Frant Dragon" is livid to find that not only was she kidnapped but also mistaken for her beautiful cousin by none other than the Devil Hunterston. But together they hatch a plan to get the inheritance but will it be more than they both bargin for.

Alec is a rogue and rake and I absolutely loved him. He just so wrong that it seems so right. *sighs*

“Pleasure is so many things, Julia. A waltz on a balcony under the caress of the moon. The thrill of placing a bet you know will win.” His voice lowered. “The hint of mint in the air after a spring rain.” “The highest form of pleasure makes your heart thrum so hard, you wonder if it will expire from too much feeling, too much sensation. It is more than a kiss.” “More than a kiss? Heavens,” she said faintly. Behind her spectacles, her eyes seemed unfocused, her breathing rapid and shallow. Alec trailed his fingers along the line of her cheekbone just below the rim of her spectacles. “As you can see, maraschino jelly doesn’t even compare.”

Alec is sensual mastermind I don't how Julia did it but he would of had me on on my back with that seductive monologue. I know, I know you don't have to say i,t I'm hero whore. Its okay though we all have our flaws.

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And as always Happy Reading!! :)

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