Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Undoing (Call of Crows, #2)

I received an Advance Reader's Copies from Netgalley via the publisher and author.

I absolutely love this book. I've been waiting for Jace's story since I read the first book in the series. It did not disappoint. Filled with action and witty commentary. Amazing characters and plot. There's a lot going on but it blends in nicely and helps the story. It was great seeing characters from the previous book and I like the new ones especially Bear; he's awkward and a sweetheart.

Description from back of book
A risk worth taking… 
No one would ever accuse Jace Berisha of having an easy life—considering her husband…you know…killed her. But that was then! Now she fights for mighty Viking gods with the spectacular and vicious Crows. 

But things are turning very bad, very quickly because a vengeful, ancient goddess has come into the world with just one thing on her mind—ending it. And the only way they can hope to stop her is if the Crows join forces with their one-time enemies, the Protectors. A Viking Clan created to do nothing but kill every Crow they see.  

Thankfully, Protector Ski Eriksen is a peace loving kind of guy. Because the woman he is desperately trying to get close to is the beautiful and not-very-chatty Jace. Battling Nordic clans? Unkillable goddesses? Jace’s mean-spirited dog? None of these things would ever get in the way of a true Viking! 

Such a great read!!
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And as always Happy Reading!!!:)


Hey folks,

I am apologize for the mini MIA. My schedule has been a little
hectic and I didn't have time to read lately. But I recently just finished 
a book and will be posting my review on it shortly. 
Hope you have a great night.
Talk to you tomorrow.

And as always Happy Reading!!:)

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!!!!

Happy Easter!!!
Hope you enjoy your day 
If you dont celebrate Easter 
Then I hope you enjoy your Sunday. 

And as always Happy Reading!!!!:)

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Female Alpha #YourStoryIndia By bloodbath00

Disclaimer: This and any other works that I review belongs to the Author(s). Only using Photo and description for review purposes. Readers discretion advised.

In the world of the shifters, males dominate every plane of the hirerchy. Be it wolves, jaguars, cats or any other species, a male is always the alpha. 
Rhys Valkyer is the strongest pack leader in all of Asia. Faster and stronger than almost every other wolf in the country, owner of the largest pack, he has never known defeat. But what happens when wolves that venture out too far in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas never return? It sparks his interest. 
Mikalya 'Mink' Carnel is the only female alpha in the history of time. Defying the natural order of things, she is the first woman to start a pack of female dominated wolfs. Fearless and stronger than even an alpha male, she is ready to defend her small pack from any threat that comes their way. 
But when the two most powerful alphas of the world come face to face with each other, will it begin a new war for dominance or will they give in to the fierce attraction powering the greatest desire and passion both of them has ever experience.

A good story. A little different from the typical Alpha male stories. Mink was awesome. She was so strong and a great leader.  Plus it was located in India and gave the story a different aspect. I love Alpha Female  stories, I wish there were more of them.

The story is completed.

Tell me what you think of it.

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And as always Happy Reading!!! 😊

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Nature of the Beast (Tangled Bonds, #1) by Aimee Brissay

After sorceress Alexandra tries to kill her insane father, her fae uncle expels her from the Otherworld in an attempt to keep her safe. Living among humans, she keeps her connection with the supernatural by working for vampires and werewolves. 
  When she stumbles upon a hurt werewolf pup her efforts to heal him inadvertently break the bonds tying the young lycan to the pack, making her his new alpha. 
 This is the least of Alexandra’s worries though, for back in the Otherworld her father has not forgotten her. He dispatches an assassin to kill her. But just who is this mysterious foe, and what will their arrival mean not only to Alexandra but to the delicate balance of the world?

   A recent read that left me on a total cliffhanger with no possible date when the second will come (trust me I looked). *sighs and sadness* But its fine, the book was still a good read. Slow to start but once it did, you get wrapped up in surprises and strong twists and turns. A bit predictable about who the villain is but you just never know who might pop up  or what might happen next. You get a sense of the characters. Especially the main female, Alexandra and her struggles. You will end up liking her because of those struggles and battles. And her sense of  right and wrong even though she wasn't meant to have a moral compass.

Its really a great read. Very surprising since I picked this up on whim and this was my first book by the author.

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And as always Happy Reading!!!:)

Monday, March 21, 2016

Wicked Cravings (The Phoenix Pack #2) by Suzanne Wright

 Dante, Beta of the Phoenix Pack, doesn't have time for relationships especially after the one that nearly broke him. But when its time to find his true mate he thinks he'll have to choose between his duty to his pack and his mate. But what he doesn't realize is that fate has another plan. 
 Jaime Farrow has always had a crush on Dante but since coming to the Phoenix territory, hes been ignoring her and her blantant flirtation. So deciding that she should stop pining over him especially since he doesn't want her. And with her keeping a secret that could damage her place in the pack, she decides to concentrate on her role of acting submissive then on Dante, if only he would let her.

This was another reread for me. I guess since I was enjoying my weekend, I couldn't truly focus. So instead of starting a new book, I just decided to go for books that are an enjoyable read for me. Such as this one, which never disappoints.

 It so funny, sexy, and the action is just amazing. I absolutely love The Phoenix Pack series by Suzanne Wright.  And even though Dante isn't Trey (from the first book and who is my husband in my dreams, I know he's a bit anal but the heart wants what the heart wants) he was still an amazing hero!! And Jaime was amazing, I love her she just kept you on your toes with her strong and sunny personality.

Absolutely adore the book it was a really good read.
Hope you enjoy!!!
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And as always Happy Reading!!! :)

The Loneliest Alpha (The MacKellen Alphas #1) by T.A. Grey

One look will change their lives forever. 
  Lingerie designer Alicia Clarkson just had to open her stupid mouth. Now thanks to trying to defend a fellow pack mate, Alicia’s been blindfolded, tied up, and carted off to the new alpha of the Oregon pack—Gavin MacKellen. 
  However, the blindfold doesn’t come off so soon as Gavin reveals he’s searching for a mate. But Alicia’s curiosity gets fired up when Gavin refuses to reveal his face to her. Just what happened to him? He talks to her from shadowy corners and behind closed doors. The man is as illusive as a squirrely fox. But Alicia doesn’t play games and the quiet spoken, hoarse voiced alpha doesn’t stand a chance against her. They settle on an agreement, thirty days for them to get to know each other because that’s the only way this cowboy alpha will have it. 
 Gavin MacKellen needs a mate. But he knows no good woman would ever want to look at his face after the incident he suffered. After one look at Alicia Clarkson all his plans fly out the window. The woman’s beauty has stunned him damn near speechless. She torments his thoughts and Gavin finds himself yearning to know everything about her. He admires her creativity and intelligence, the cool way she handles herself in stressful situations. Most of all, he aches deep in his chest to taste her lips. Those beautiful sweet lips, but in order to kiss her without showing her what a monster he was, he has to get creative. 
 A relationship forms and as love threatens to grow between them Gavin struggles to cope with his physical appearance in the face of the beautiful Alicia. Will she be the one to stand in the face of a monster and accept or will she turn her back on him as everyone else has?

This was a reread for me. And it was just as good as reading it for the second time. I will say I still feel that the her should of just showed the heroine his face after awhile instead of dragging it out and being insure about it, even though I did feel for him. The story was good a little drawn out but good. The twist and turns were unexpected. And the ending a bit rushed. Good characters, good plot, and story. Overall a superb read.

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And as always Happy Reading!!!:)

Hi Folks!!!

I know that I didn't write any for Friday. Sorry about that but I was a tad bit preoccupied because of my long fun girl's weekend. And before you get mad, I did get some reading done. So I decided today is gonna be Double Review Monday. Which I give you my though about two books that I enjoyed this weekend (you know in between the fun and sleep). Yay!!!!

Hope you love and check them out.

And as always Happy Reading!!!:)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day. 
Enjoy the day if you can.

 And as always Happy Reading!! :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Pandora's Box by Kat Attalla

 Abandoned to foster homes as a child, beautiful Charlotte "Charlie" Lawson is steel and velvet on the outside, but on the inside, she's vulnerable and lonely. Even though, deep down, she longs for romance, Charlie decided long ago that she wouldn't give anyone a chance to hurt her again...until sexy, compassionate Damian Westfield makes her believe she can let down her guard. 
 Everything about Charlie haunts Damian, including her mysterious friendship to his half-brother. It isn't long before Damian's search for the truth opens up Pandora’s Box and he uncovers his family's hidden past. The revelations bring him closer to Charlie. But an act of betrayal will soon force the woman he loves to choose between revenge against the people who hurt her...and trusting him with her heart.

This was an enjoyable read, a bit rushed but enjoyable none the less. I felt the darker aspect of it was rushed and speed up for a much sweeter romance. Even with the speed of bk it doesn't skip on facts and emotions. Charlie was one of my favorite heroines her witty comebacks are hilarious and entertaining, Erik was my second favorite character of this book because he was spunky, funny, and sweet. Damian fell flat to me but he had very tough skin because her comeback was just so on point.
thre are other character who I just can't stand because they were morally wrong. You'll see what I mean.

Again a really enjoyable read.
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And as always Happy Reading!!!:)

Happy Hump Day!!!

 Hottie McHot-Hot!

A few more days and its the weekend. Yes!!!
I'm over this week already and I'm excited for this weekend.
I just received a book in the mail that I can't wait to read.
And since St. Patty's Day is tomorrow, the city is gonna be filled with fun stuff to do.
I need a fun girls weekend, but let me get this week done with.
Well I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!
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And as always Happy Reading!! :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Alpha's Oracle By Merry Ravenell

Disclaimer: This and any other works that I review belongs to the Author(s). Only using Photo and description for review purposes. Readers discretion advised.

Gianna is a Seer : blessed with visions and dreams from the Moon Goddess. 
Alpha Gabel intends to be the first Alpha King in 500 years, and his ruthless cruelty and ambition are without limit. 
Gianna and their Bond are his toy, nothing more. Taken against her will, Marked without consent, and forced to play Gabel's cruel games, Gianna vows to be the one soul that Gabel never conquers.

First let me say this story description is amazing and just automatically makes you want to read it. I also would like to say that i read this on a true binge and was really upset when it came to cliffhanger of epic proportion.

 Now my review, I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!! Its so good. Like I said I was binge reading until my body was like "Look, you need to sleep" and I'm say "but I can't, Its getting really good", and my body says "I don't care! I'm shutting down!" and I scream "Nooo!!!" drifts off to sleep. True story by the way, haha. Anywhoo, The author created amazing story filled with great characters and good plot twists.  And I am so excited to continue reading it. I'm a true fan of this story and I  hope a publisher see this and makes it mainstream, if that is the Author's dream  and end goal because I would snap it up in a heart beat.

Here's the link:
If you can't click on the link just copy and paste it into your browser.
The story is ongoing and the author updates as often as she can. There's a new update now.
That I can't wait to devour.

I hope you enjoy the story as much as I did.
Tell me what you about this review if should continue or stay with it, when comes to
non-mainstream stories,  in the comments below.
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And as always Happy Reading!!! :)

A Little Dare (The Westmorelands #2) by Brenda Jackson

Same story. Different covers.

 When Shelly Brockman walked into his office, Sheriff Dare Westmoreland could almost taste the sweet, steamy passion they'd once shared. Then Shelly informed him he was the father of her son, the unruly preteen he'd arrested that day, and his fantasies turned to fury! 

Shelly had returned to her hometown in Georgia to save her son from the mean streets of Los Angeles. Getting to know his father would be good for her son. But would being so close to Dare--the only man to make her pulse race--reopen a wounded heart that had never healed? Or, would this be her final chance to win Dare's love?

 I love Brenda Jackson's writing especially  her Westmoreland saga. And this book was exactly what I was wanting to read. I adore Shelly and understood why she made the decision. And Sheriff Dare was amazing hero and I felt conflicted about his anger because his decision and action created the outcome of this story. This was still a good read.

Hope you enjoy it, too.
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And as always Happy Reading!!! :)

Monday, March 14, 2016

From Ruin to Riches by Louise Allen

 A lord in want of a wife! 
  Ruined and on the run, Julia Prior is in desperate straits when she meets a gentleman with a shocking proposal. Certain he is close to death, William Hadfield, Lord Dereham, sees Julia as the perfect woman to care for his beloved estate when he is gone—if she will first become his wife…. 
  Marriage is Julia's salvation—as Lady Hadfield, she can finally escape her sins. Until three years later, when the husband she believes to be dead returns, as handsome and strong as ever and intent on claiming the wedding night they never had!

It wasn't a bad read. Caught my interest from the beginning. And seemed to have Kept it til the very end. The characters were likeable and interesting. And I did like fact that heroine had other interest besides what was the norm. The hero was a typical guy. I did like that extra tidbit about Henry. Other than that it was an okay read. Usually a fan of this author's work but this just fell flat for me.

Well talk you guys on Monday!!!
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 And as always Happy Reading!!:)

Monday Blues

I know the Monday blues got you down and I hope your weekend was filled with good times but the weekend is now done and I'm back with all new reviews and books(which I will post shortly) and am very excited to tell you about. Also if you do have a romance book, you recommend I read just post your suggestions in the comment section and I'll get to them shortly. I also have been reading a lot of stories on Wattpad and Quotev. Which are sites that unpublished or inspiring authors post their stories and you might find a couple mainstream author work on there, too. So I believe I'm going to also start writing reviews for those as well. Some of them aren't fully completed but they're good reads and I'm always after a good read. For those reviews I'll do the same set up I do now with mainstream publish works. You know cover, book blurb and then my review, but with this I'll leave the link and so if you decide you want to read them you'll know where to go and  also if its a completed work(don't want to leave you with a lot of ongoing work even if there good). I might put that into affect sometime tomorrow because some of these stories are really good. I will warn you that they're mostly paranormal romances because I haven't found regular romance story that has grab my attention on those sites plus I have enough romance novels that are piling up in my TBR(to be read) list.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your day. 

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 And as always Happy Reading!!:)

Friday, March 11, 2016

Have A Great Weekend!!!!

Hope you guys enjoy your day today. Won't be posting anything on the weekend. Hope yours is as fulfilling as mine will be. Enjoy it!! My weekend will be filled with reading, wine, and relaxing especially since the weather here is warming up nicely.

 Well talk you guys on Monday!!!
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 And as always Happy Reading!!:)

A Gentleman of Substance by Deborah Hale

A secret child -- A secret love... When Lucy Rushton's lover was killed in battle, she wed his brother, the formidable viscount Drake Strickland, to protect her unborn child. The marriage tore her heart, yet after their vows were sealed, Lucy saw another side of her stern husband -- a compassionate gentleman of substance who lured her in ways Jeremy never had! 
Duty-bound to care for lovely Lucy, Drake never expected sharing his home would warm his cold, bare life. And when her eyes flashed with provocative beauty, sending an irresistible invitation, he longed to believe his wife's heart was wholly his.

I really enjoyed this book. It was definitely a tad different from most marriage of convenience novels that i have read. Because of the chaos that was created by the other characters. I enjoyed the heroine very much and I adore the hero with his sense of duty and honor. Also he was very much an "all work no play" type  of person. Great characters, amazing story, and adorable ending. 

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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And as always Happy Reading!!:)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

My Darling Caroline by Adele Ashworth

   Caroline Grayson is a brilliant, independent nineteenth-century woman whose true passion is botany. Denied her dreams of studying at Oxford University because of her gender, she is also prevented from putting her auxiliary plan of attending New York University into action when her father compels her to marry the mysterious and sullen earl of Weymerth, Brent Ravenscroft. They both enter into the marriage with visions of personal gain. 
   Brent wants to get his horses back from Caroline's father, who bought his estate while he was away at war. Caroline wants to annul the marriage, thus gaining the freedom to sail to the U.S. and achieve her dream of becoming a world-class botanist. But their hearts have other ideas. Caroline gradually realizes that her husband means as much to her as her flowers and that his unconventional respect for her intelligence represents a form of freedom her peers can only vaguely imagine.

I really enjoyed this story even though the miscommunication and lies were starting to grate on my nerves. It was just too many opportunities that were missed because of  anger or stubbornness. Also Brent was a bit brash and too prideful for his own good, I understand why but still it was a bit annoying. I liked Caroline she was interesting and a good heroine.  These characters together made for a funny, entertaining , and all around great story. 

I hope you pick it up and enjoy it as much as I did.
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And as always Happy Reading!!:)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Perfect Wife by Mary Burton

 Keeping secrets and telling lies was no way to start a marriage. But what else, Jenna Winslow ruminated, could a woman running from scandal do? Who would ever want an unschooled virgin with a fatherless baby in tow? Certainly not rugged rancher Rowe Mercer, a man with demanding standards -- and compelling charms...! 
  Ex-bounty hunter Rowe Mercer had spent a lifetime riding with danger. Now he craved more peaceful pursuits, but when mail-order bride Jenna Winslow arrived "C.O.D." he wondered if his prayers had truly been answered. Could there possibly be a future for a polished Eastern angel and a man with a past he wanted to forget...!

This story was interesting, there were times I was like "Come on! Tell him already" but I guess I could understand why the author felt it was needed to draw that part out a little longer. Also the suspense part of this was an added depth and a good look into what type of guy the hero was. It was an okay read that kept your interested and entertained.

Hope you enjoy it too.
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And as always Happy Reading!! :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Unexpected Alpha by Amber Kell

Stanley didn’t expect his life to change when he went jogging one night. Barely surviving a dog attack he woke in a strange bed with odd urges. He didn’t mind the sexy man hovering over him. In fact if Fen wished to join him in bed he’d have no objections. Fenris wanted the alpha at his first growl. The sexy man’s commanding air and sweet smile were a combination out of Fen’s hottest dreams. Unfortunately family issues and outside forces tried to push the lovers apart and keep them from their happily ever after. Faced with opposition Stanley did the only thing he could. He let everyone know that the new alpha on the block wouldn’t accept anyone getting between him and his man.

I love this story from the beginning to the end. I wish it was a series because I'm curious about some of the other characters and what story would be like.   Such a good short story.

Hope you enjoy it too.
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And as always Happy Reading!! :)

Monday, March 7, 2016

Finding My Pack by Lane Whitt

Abandoned as a baby and forced to grow up way too fast, Kitten has learned to live and survive by her own unique code. 
When Kitten is at her lowest point and thinks she can’t carry on, she meets an extraordinary group of men who welcomes her into their home and hearts, showing her more kindness than she has ever known. What will happen when she finds out the secrets they keep? They may be more connected than they all thought when secrets about Kitten begin to surface as well.
Side Note: This is a reverse-harem book. (One girl, multiple guys)

This was amazing read. More than I thought it would be. Each hero was a compliment to heroine's personality. It such an interesting read and full of both complex and simple emotions. The way the story is written though is more of an introduction to the series and ends on a cliffhanger, which I don't mind, as long as the author puts outs a second book because the way it was left, can't end that way.

I hope you pick it up and enjoy it as much as I did.
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And as always Happy Reading!!:)